Word of The Day – Seeing is Believing

Seeing is Believing!

What if you could see and suddenly without warning your ability to see was gone? 

Or what if you were never able to see and suddenly you could see? 

Both instances would have completely different reactions. 

A man or woman who has an intimate relationship with God understands that he will endure testing’s and is not exempt from hardships, but through his faith in Christ Jesus will stand as pure gold as he goes through the fire. 

A man or woman who does not know God or has no desire for Him will despise, resent and blame Him for all his misfortunes. 

Job’s wife did not have an intimate relationship with God, she saw the loss of her children, wealth and the prominent position of her husband. 

Her solution to the problem was “curse God and die.” 

The centurion in Capernaum had heard reports and believed all that was told about Jesus. His servant became ill and he sent word to Jesus asking that he come and heal the man. 

Acknowledging that he was unworthy and that Christ alone is worthy; 

He asked that Jesus only speak the word and his servant would be healed. 

The servants of the centurion returned to the house and found the man well. 

We are being called to an intimate relationship with our Creator through His Holy Spirit. 

It is through this relationship that we can see all things as they are brought before us. 

Paul said “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, 

Nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, 

Nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, 

Nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, 

Which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

All Praise and Glory be to His Name Forevermore!

Romans 8:38-39

Pastor Anne Paul

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